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RasaBoxes Training
weekend intensive
July 2009
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Schedule of Events
Weekend Intensive

Friday 6-9pm, Saturday &Sunday 10-5pm
Cost $ 250

Space is limited, so please register now!!!

Note: (This workshop is not closed for Registration!. Please send us an email if you are interested in our upcoming workshops this fall!!)


Michele Minnick

Michele Minnick, CMA, MA, is a performer, director, teacher and writer. Her approach to performer training combines her expertise in Laban movement analysis with Environmental Theatre techniques and principles from performance disciplines including postmodern dance, experimental theatre, performance art, the somatic arts, and expressive arts therapies. She has served on the faculty of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York City, served for several years as co-director of education for East Coast Artists (under Artistic Director Richard Schechner), and taught the Performance Workshop with East Coast Artists at New York University from 1999-2007, in recent years also training new teachers of the work. A primary developer and teacher of rasaboxes, Michele has integrated her LMA/BF training with rasaboxes and other Environmental Theater and performance techniques in workshops in the U.S., Brazil, and elsewhere. She has presented the rasaboxes work in lecture demonstrations and workshops at international festivals and conferences in Turkey, Serbia, Canada, Brazil and the U.S. She has worked closely with Paula Murray Cole, co-teaching and developing the work, and co-authored the article, “The Actor As Athlete of the Emotions: The RasaBoxes Exercise”, for the book Movement For Actors, edited by Nicole Potter, Allworth Press, 2002. Michele is an associate member of the International Society for Research on Emotion, is a client and student of Reichian analysis, and is completing her doctoral thesis at New York University, a theoretical project on performance and healing in the art/life practices of Leeny Sack, Lygia Clark, and Anna and Daria Halprin. For the 2008-2009 academic year, she is teaching as a guest artist in the MFA and undergraduate theatre departments at Towson University in Maryland.

Cost: $250.00
Space is limited, so please register now!!!

Note: (This workshop is not closed for Registration!. Please send us an email if you are interested in our upcoming workshops this fall!!)

To register call: 212 736-3309 or